Jan 14, 2023
Richard Saunders |
You Can Count on Adrienne. With Adrienne Hill
Vale 'SkepDoc' Dr Harriet Hall MD Adrienne pays tribute to Harriet, who was a retired family physician, former U.S. Air Force flight surgeon, author, science communicator and skeptic of international acclaim, who wrote about alternative medicine and quackery for magazines and articles discussing evidence-based medicine for the Science-Based Medicine blog. She usually wrote under her own name or used the pseudonym "The SkepDoc". She was also a frequent speaker at science and skepticism related conventions in the US and around the world. https://tinyurl.com/skepdocseries https://skepticzone.libsyn.com/size/5/?search=Harriet |
Sydney Skeptics in the Pub
At long last Sydney Skeptics in the pub is back and looking forward to 2023. We hear from new pubber Stephen Bavaro, who was a recent speaker at the Australian Skeptics convention. Also from Tim Mendham and Richard Saunders as they address the crowd to talk about the Bent Spoon Award and more. |
Australian Skeptics Newsletter
What skeptical news has caught the eye of Tim Mendham this week? Read by Adrienne Hill. http://www.skeptics.com.au |
A Dive into a Trove
A wander through the decades of digitised Australian newspapers on a search for references to "Medical Quackery". http://www.trove.nla.gov.au |
Also |
10 Years Ago
The Skeptic Zone #222 - 21.Jan.2013 Maynard's Spooky Action.. An interview with Dr Krissy Wilson about talking to the dead - Danger 5. Just for fun, Richard Saunders checks in with Maynard as he hosts a public Q & A with the cast of this Australian TV show - Skeptical BBQ. Richard Saunders travels to Canberra for a screening of "Here be Dragons" by Brian Dunning and enjoys a chat with Kevin Davies, the president of Canberra Skeptics - The Think Tank. Join a host of Canberra Skeptics as they chat about Conspiracy Theories. https://skepticzone.libsyn.com/the-skeptic-zone-222-21-jan-2013 |