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The Skeptic Zone

Apr 27, 2013


Richard Saunders and Stefan Sojka.


A chat with Deborah Hyde, editor of The Skeptic magazine (UK) 

Vampires and more vampires! Move over Buffy as Deborah tells all about the creatures of the night.


A Week in Science with Dr Tania Meyer 

The Royal Institution of Australia (RiAus) is a...

Apr 27, 2013

“Solar Flare - The Band of Power”

A Skeptic Zone Production.


Richard Saunders

Stefan Sojka

Rachael Dunlop

Dianne Verstappen


Travis Roy

Penny Chan

Rebecca Jones

Eran Segev

Joanne Benhamu

Krissy Wilson 

Special guests

Brian Dunning

Jay Novella

Script and production

Richard Saunders



Apr 21, 2013

Richard Saunders in Olomouc, the Czech Republic.

0:04:40     A chat with Jakub Ráliš from the AFO48 Festival.
What is AFO? Find out this long running festival.

0:11:10     The Enemies of Reason - at AFO48
Richard Saunders introduces the film by Dr. Richard Dawkins

0:16:20     A quick chat with Rebecca...

Apr 13, 2013


Richard Saunders
0:05:12     A chat with Leisha Camden from the Norway Skeptics.

What is her view of the state of science, reason and education in Norway?
0:22:35     An Irish Adventure

A stroll in the park with Fionnuala Murphy from the Irish Skeptics and then a visit to a real Irish pub... complete...

Apr 7, 2013

Richard Saunders

A chat with Marit Simonsen and Kristin Carlsson in Oslo.
Walking in the snow or visiting skeptics in the pub, Oslo has something for everyone!

The little dog that could!
An update with Ian Bryce on the operation to restore sight to a blind dog... thank you...