Oct 15, 2022
Richard Saunders |
We catch up with podcaster of Brian Dunning to learn more about the process of making a documentary film. Brian's new movie will be called "The UFO movie they don't want you to see!" https://www.briandunning.com/ufo https://skeptoid.com/episodes/4208 |
A Dive into a Trove
A wander through the decades of digitised Australian newspapers on a search for references to the "Disappearance of Frederick Valentich".
https://skeptoid.com/episodes/4385 http://www.trove.nla.gov.au |
Australian Science Communicators
Jirana Boontanjai and Tom Carruthers The Australian Science Communicators is the peak body for science communicators and science journalists in Australia. Established in 1994, the Australian Science Communicators has grown to a national network of more than 1650 subscribers and 450 financial members working in science and technology communication, including science journalists and writers, public information officers for academic and research organisations, scientists, museum professionals, science educators, science film-makers, and many other diverse professions united by the common theme of making science accessible. https://www.asc.asn.au https://www.asc.asn.au/blog/2022/09/05/the-2023-science-communicators-conference https://pintofscience.com.au |
Australian Skeptics National Convention
Science & Skepticism in a changed world 3 - 4 December, National Library of Australia, Canberra https://skepticon.org.au |