Oct 8, 2022
Richard Saunders |
The Real ESP
Great news for Australians, The ESP are coming to Canberra for Skepticon 2022. We chat to the team, Andras G Pinter, Pontus Bockman, Annika Harrison (and special guest) and find out what they will be talking about at the upcoming convention. https://theesp.eu |
Queen Elizabeth II Predictions from 1952
What were some of the amazing predictions made back in the 1950s about Queen Elizabeth II? We dive into some digital archives to find out what people were thinking and predicting 70 years ago. |
Australian Skeptics Newsletter
What skeptical news has caught the eye of Tim Mendham this week? Read by Richard Saunders. http://www.skeptics.com.au |
A Dive into a Trove
A wander through the decades of digitised newspapers on a search for references to "Psychic Surgery". https://skepdic.com/psurgery.html James Randi video: https://youtu.be/41hJ6DY8xLI?t=984 http://www.trove.nla.gov.au |
Australian Skeptics National Convention
Science & Skepticism in a changed world 3 - 4 December, National Library of Australia, Canberra https://skepticon.org.au |