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The Skeptic Zone

Jun 29, 2019

Show Notes
0:00:00 Introduction

Richard Saunders and Ben Radford
0:07:04 Trish & Chips... with Trish Hann

Sally Morgan is a British television and stage performer who claims to have psychic abilities. In mid 2019 she brought her stage show to Australia. On hand outside the theatre for her Sydney performance...

Jun 22, 2019

Show Notes
0:00:00 Introduction

Richard Saunders
0:06:54 Psychics and Missing Persons

Again and again, so-called "Psychics" chime in with mystical informaion on missing persons. Worse still they send usless information to the Police and give false hope to heartbroken parents. We look at a few cases in the...

Jun 15, 2019

Show Notes




Richard Saunders



Flat Earhers flat out with excuses

We talk to Ross Blocher from the Oh No! Ross and Carrie Podcast about the day members of the Committee For Inquiry set out to prove (again) that the world really is a sphear.


CFI Investigation...

Jun 8, 2019

Show Notes



Richard Saunders


Bigfoot and the FBI

We catch up with famed skeptical investigator Ben Radford for his opinion on the latest news regarding Bigfoot in the FBI.


Britt Hermes successful in defamation lawsuit 


Jun 1, 2019

Show Notes
0:00:00 Introduction

Richard Saunders
0:03:15 "Chemtrails" on TV

Ken Mcleod is a retired air traffic controller and national manager of aviation search and rescue, Australian aviation representative on two UN committees, and once upon a time a private pilot. Recently he appeard on national TV in...