Aug 5, 2023
Richard Saunders |
You Can Count on Adrienne. With Adrienne Hill
Will the best psychic please stand up? Skeptics have, for many years, heard of psychics, clairvoyants or mystics all claiming to be the best. Adrienne, together with Richard Saunders and Susan Gerbic, list the would-be number ones from Australia, Canada and United States. Surely they all can't be the very best at their game? |
The Book of Tim. With Tim Mendham
Communication Breakdown Tim looks at the pseudoscience of "facilitated communication", called the single most scientifically discredited intervention in all of developmental disabilities, or the "cold fusion" of human services. A reading from The Skeptic, Vol. 43 No. 2 |
A Dive into a Trove
A wander through the decades of digitised Australian newspapers on a search for references to phrenology. |
ACA - Psychic says he's Australia's best. Story and video. WGM Morning News - The Great Australian Psychic Prediction Project HangOut with Richard Saunders. The Skeptical Box of Tricks - Berkeley 12th Aug. The Skeptical Box of Tricks - Bend, OR 29th Aug. |
10 Years Ago
The Skeptic Zone #250 - 4.August.2013 60 Second Science. An interview with Brendan O'Brien about the online video project that gets students from all over the world to make videos for science - Penny Chan at TAM 2013 - We catch up with West Coast USA reporter, Penny Chan - Penny Chan interviews Kyle Sanders about his comic strip, Carbon Dating - A chat with Ross Blocher. One of the stars of the "Oh No Ross and Carrie" Podcast, Ross chats to Richard in Hollywood - A Week in Science with Dr Paul Willis - Maynard interviews Marlowe Cassetti about the early days of NASA and UFOs! |