Feb 15, 2020
Richard Saunders |
A Psychic in Court
Richard Saunders was in the court room when someone claiming to be a psychic appeared in the witness box. This case is turning out to be one of Australia's most infamous murder trials. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-02-12/chris-dawson-committal-hearing-hears-evidence-from-psychic/11957172 |
Logical Fallacies. With Michelle
This week Michelle looks at "Ad Hominem". A Logical Fallacy is an error we can make in reasoning, but it usually crops up when we are discussing or arguing our point of view. |
Beating Cancer?
The random discovery of a notice stapled to a telegraph pole has us doing a little bit of research into amazing health claims. Can a book for sale on Amazon really give you the secrets to beating every disease? Somehow we are skeptical. https://www.amazon.com/Beating-Cancer-Disease-Naturally-getting/dp/1696783917/ref=nodl_ https://www.mcgill.ca/oss/article/cancer-health-news-quackery/alkaline-nonsense |
Maynard's Spooky Action...
Interviews from Skepticon 2019. This week, Sunday interviews, part #1 Caroline Zielinski Liam Mannix Tim Mendham https://www.carolinezielinski.com |
Australian Skeptics Dinner Meeting
https://www.skeptics.com.au/2020/02/13/sydney-skeptics-special-dinner-dr-michael-mann-on-climate-change/ Surf Coast Summer Skepticamp VIII https://tinyurl.com/SkepticampVIII |