Apr 27, 2019
Show Notes | |
0:00:00 | Introduction Richard Saunders |
0:04:40 | No Spirts in the Spirit Box We chat to Kenny Biddle about his investigations into the strange and bizarre device known as a spirit box. Proponents of this box claim it is a conduit to communicate with the souls of the dead.
https://skepticalinquirer.org/exclusive/groundbreaking-ghost-experiment-breaks-no-ground/ Geeks and Ghosts |
0:18:52 | Susan Gerbic in the UK A catch up with Susan as she tours the UK. Also we hear about Mark Edward and his Victorian style seances. |
0:27:45 | A Ghostly Investigation From the pages of the Skeptic magazine, a ghostly tale of investigations with a haunted house, graveyards and a skeptical reporter.
Also Skepticon 2019 https://skepticon.org.au Flu Vax Day https://www.skeptics.com.au/2019/04/09/free-flu-vaccination-day-in-sydney-may-4/ Skepticalcon San Francisco http://www.skepticalcon.org Maynard's Love Shack http://www.maynard.com.au/maynards-loveshack-returns-saturday-may-4th |