Oct 7, 2017
Richard Saunders
Interview with Dr Pamela Gay
We find out how Dr Pamela Gay and you can help NASA analyze more
than 1.5 million images taken by astronauts on the International
Space Station!
They need your help analyzing these images – this is a task only a
human like you can accomplish. Please join them in enhancing NASA’s
extensive catalogue of astronaut images that can be used for
science and enjoyed for their beauty.
CHOICE's annual awards name and shame the shonkiest products and
companies taking advantage of Australian consumers. - SHONKY:
(adjective) Australian slang meaning "unreliable, unsound,
dishonest, poor or of dubious quality; shoddy".
Maynard's spooky action... at a distance
Billie and the Dinosaurs
Interviews with Tim Ferguson, Geoff and David Willis
Three hundred million years ago, the world of the dinosaurs was
called Pangea - a landmass that covered half the Earth until it
broke into two supercontinents - Laurasia and Gondwanaland, which
then broke into even more pieces, the largest of which was the
island continent of Australia.
Then, a great asteroid smashed into the Earth. And this started the
Ice Age!
And just like that, the dinosaurs were gone. Extinct. At least
that’s what Mrs Chalkmore taught her Year 4 class; and only one of
her students knew that she was completely and utterly wrong - a
girl called Billie.
A Grain of Salt with Eran Segev
This week Eran chats to Massimo Polidoro and James Randi at the
European Skeptics Congress.
Susan Gerbic on tour in Germany
Susan chats to Holm Gero Hümmler who has been active in the German
skeptics' group GWUP since 1990s. He was a regional spokesman and
convenor for the Frankfurt area. For several years he was an editor
of The Skeptiker magazine
Australian Skeptics
- Late night radio segment with Mike Williams
Australian Skeptics
- Breakfast with John Stanley and Garry Linnell
Maynard and Bunga Bunga http://www.maynard.com.au
CSI Con - Las Vagas http://csiconference.org
QED - Manchester
QED - Skepticamp Manchester http://www.skepticamp.co.uk
SITP Organiser Survey - http://glasgowskeptics.com/sitp
Skepticon Sydney http://www.skeptics.com.au