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The Skeptic Zone

Oct 20, 2013


Richard Saunders


Dr Rachie Reports.. with Dr Rachael Dunlop 

This week Dr Rachie chats with Dr David Hawkes from the Florey Institute in Melbourne. Just what is "The Skeptic Zone Virus"?


The Health of Sydney Harbour

Richard Saunders takes a stroll down to the Sydney Institute of Marine Science and chats with Associate Professor Emma Johnston. The science of Sydney Harbour and more!


A Week in Science

The Royal Institution of Australia (RiAus) is a national scientific not-for-profit organisation with a mission to bring science to people and people to science.


Maynard's Spooky Action...

Maynard visits SkeptiCamp Sydney and interviews a wide range of people about all sorts of things.

Highlights include a chat with Peter and Vanessa.